17th Annual Women as the Face of AIDS Summit
Monday, May 2, 2022
The 2022 Summit’s theme is “Racism: The Hidden Driver of HIV”
Monday, May 2, 2022 Hybrid (In-person & Virtual) Summit via Whova In-person location - Bethel Gospel Assembly, 2-26 East 120th Street (between 5th and Madison Ave). 11:00AM Welcome Remarks - Ingrid Floyd, Executive Director
11:15AM - 12:30PM - When and Where We Enter: Toward a Feminist, Anti-Racist HIV Agenda, Celeste Watkins-Hayes, PhD Dr. Celeste Watkins-Hayes is a University Diversity and Social Transformation Professor, the Jean Fairfax Collegiate Professor of Public Policy, and Professor of Sociology at the University of Michigan – Ann Arbor. She is also the Founding Director of the Center for Racial Justice at U of M’s Ford School of Public Policy and currently serves as the Ford School’s Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. Prior to joining the faculty at U of M, she served as a professor of sociology and African American studies and Faculty Fellow at the Institute for Policy Research at Northwestern University. Watkins-Hayes is an internationally-recognized scholar and expert on health inequities, HIV/AIDS; social policy; societal safety nets; and race, class, and gender. Her latest book, Remaking a Life: How Women Living with HIV/AIDS Confront Inequality (University of California Press, 2019), is an examination of the decades-long transformation of the AIDS epidemic told through the voices of over two hundred female AIDS activists, policy officials, advocates, and women living with HIV/AIDS who have been on the front lines of this fight. The book’s release has been covered by The Chicago Tribune, Ms. Magazine, EBONY, Chicago Public Radio, New York Public Radio, Detroit Public Radio, POZ Magazine, the PBS Newshour, Chicago Tonight, and several other outlets across the country.
Remaking A Life has won several awards, including the American Sociological Association (ASA) Distinguished Book Award (the discipline's highest book honor), the Eliot Freidson Outstanding Publication Award bestowed by the ASA Medical Sociology Section, the Distinguished Book Award from the ASA Section on Sex and Gender, the Distinguished Book Award from the ASA Section of Race, Gender, and Class, the Betty and Alfred McClung Lee Book Award from the Association for Humanist Sociology, the Mirra Komarovsky Book Award from the Eastern Sociological Society, and the Alison Piepmeier Book Prize from the National Women's Studies Association. In addition to her academic articles and essays, Watkins-Hayes has published pieces in The New York Times, The Atlantic, Chicago Magazine, and other media outlets. Watkins-Hayes holds a Ph.D. and M.A. in Sociology from Harvard University and a B.A. (summa cum laude) from Spelman College, 12:30PM - 12:45PM - 15 Minute "Coffee Break"
12:45PM - 1:45PM - From Risk to Reasons: Reframing HIV Prevention and Care for Black Women, Amelia Korangy, Moderator, Panelists - Olivia Ford, Beverly Ross and Michelle Lopez, ViiV Healthcare 1:45PM - 2:00PM - Recognizing our Honorees - Women in the Fight Against HIV Marvelyn Brown, Maria Mejia and Masonia Traylor. 2:00PM - 2:50PM - Lunch
3:00 PM - 3:55 PM Breakout Session I The Invisible Black Womxn—Centering Black Women, Femmes and Girls in conversations about HIV Care and Treatment - Room 238 Akayla Galloway, J.D. Aimee Registe, ESQ SisterLove Inc. Behavioral Health Service Needs and Utilization of HIV Positive Women in NY - Room 239 Erin Harned, MA, Project Coordinator in the Department of Sociomedical Sciences, Angela Aidala, PhD, Research Scientist in the Department of Sociomedical Sciences, Maiko Yomogida, PhD, Senior Analyst in the Department of Sociomedical Sciences* *Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health Then, Now, and What’s Next NY (For Black Women Living and Aging with HIV) - Room 243 Cecilia Dennis, Victoria Graves-Cade, Melanie Reese and Valencia Landry, National HIV Aging, Advocacy Network Developing a Comprehensive Health Program for Women of Transgender Experience at Elevated Risk for HIV - Room 257 Erin Connolly, BSN, RN, Transgender Program Clinical Liaison, Amida Care; Chris Milan, PharmD, Senior Clinical Pharmacist, Amida Care The ME Circle: An Enterprising Venture and MarketPlace for Creating Opportunities for Women Living with HIV- Praise Chapel Vanessa Johnson, JD, Co-Executive Director, Ribbon; Patricia "Pat" Kelly, Executive Director, A Family Affair; and Lepena Reid, Consultant Owner, ASK, Inc. - Ribbon Consulting Group Racial and Ethical Considerations around Breast/Chestfeeding for Women and Other Parents Living with HIV - Sanctuary Ciarra Covin, Program Manager, The Well Project Alyssa Crawford, Outreach Supervisor, MAACA Inc.- The Well Project 4:00 - 4:55 PM Breakout Session II Prevention of Domestic Violence Among Vulnerable Communities—Prioritizing Healthy Relationships and Planning for Safety - ROOM 238 Rachele Daniels, Community Educator, A Woman's Place Sarah Janicki, MS ODL, Director of Education & Training, A Woman's Place Implementing Equity in the Frame: NYC RWPA Utilizes Science Framework to Improve Equity - Room 239 Nadine Alexander, ScM Manager of Equity and Strategic Planning HIV Programs Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV, and STIs New York City Health Department Melanie Lawrence, MPH Senior Community Planner NY HIV Planning Council, NYC Health Department Connecting the Dots: Literacy, Life Expectancy, GDP, and HIV – Praise Chapel Connie L. Johnson, M.A Fighting Racism and Stigma—The Voice of Advocacy - Sanctuary Iris House, Inc. - Barrios, Ofelia, M.A., Senior Director of Community Health Initiatives, Iris House and Johnson, Vanessa, J.D., Co-Executive Director, Ribbon 5:00 PM - 5:45 PM Networking/Exhibit Hour |
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