30th Anniversary Celebration Photos
October 19, 2023

Iris House is truly appreciative of our wonderful sponsors!
Your support lifted the 30th anniversary celebration beyond the clouds!
Honorable Inez Dickens, NYS Assembly
Dr. Mindy Fullilove
Dr. Robert Fullilove
Honorable Inez Dickens, NYS Assembly
Dr. Mindy Fullilove
Dr. Robert Fullilove
This year, Iris House is celebrating our 30th anniversary. Over these 30 years, we have been providing desperately-needed services to thousands of clients and community members. They are primarily women of color, their children, and their partners who face HIV infection and/or Hepatitis C, as well obesity, diabetes, and other health challenges. Combined with their lack of access to health care, scarce social services, food insecurity, unstable housing, substance use, and domestic abuse, these families are in great need of our services.
At Iris House, we tackle these issues with people each and every day. Iris House is the shoulder on which many of these women and families lean.
At Iris House, we tackle these issues with people each and every day. Iris House is the shoulder on which many of these women and families lean.
We accept checks (made payable to Iris House, Inc.), all major credit cards, and PayPal.
You can still support the 30th anniversary by making a donation today.
You can still support the 30th anniversary by making a donation today.