2017 Summit Sponsors
2017 Summit
Planning Committee Summit Planning Committee Ingrid Floyd, Chair Iris House Ofelia Barrios Iris House Sandrine Blake AmidaCare Debra Bosier Iris House Emily Carson Bedford Stuyvesant Family Health Center Millicent Freeman NYC Department of Health Tanya Howe Iris House Stephane Howze AmidaCare Jennifer Irwin Institute for Advanced Medicine Mount Sinai Beth Israel Michael Barret Jones Iris House Krista Martel The Well Project Alexis Posey FPWA Donald Powell Exponents, Inc. Kimberly Richardson Iris House Nathaly Rubio-Torio Voces Latinas Derrick Wallace Iris House |
The 12th Annual Women as the Face of AIDS SummitResilient, Fierce and Wise
PRE-REGISTRATION IS NOW CLOSED, BUT WALK-UP REGISTRATION IS AVAILABLE AT THE DOOR. The 12th Annual Women as the Face of AIDS Summit May 8, 2017 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM Bethel Gospel Assembly 2 East 120th Street, New York City The 2017 Summit’s theme is “Resilient, Fierce and Wise,” and we are very excited about this year’s theme and the opportunities it will present as we look forward toward new challenges in healthcare, how we can amplify our individual voices through strategic collaborations, and our we are working on our efforts to End the Epidemic by 2020 in New York State. As a community, we recognize that we are stronger together: when we communicate with each other, when we support each other, when we understand that individually none of us can ever be 100%, but collectively, we can be 1000%. This year’s summit will focus on how we can use our combined power: as women and as men, as activists and advocates, as front line social workers, as medical professionals and academics to refocus our energies and end this epidemic. The next four to eight years may present challenges that we haven’t seen since the 1980’s, and together, we can ensure that we’re pushing forward, advocating for ourselves. 8:30 - 10:30 Plenary Sessions WOMEN, GIRLS & HIV An update on the current status of HIV issues as they relate to women and girls Georgina Osorio, M.D., M.P.H., Assistant Professor, Infectious Diseases, Mt Sinai Health System RESILIENT, FIERCE and WISE: HIV Under the New Administration Matthew Lesieur, Director, Public Policy, Village Care, Moderator Sandra Bennett-Pagan, LCSW, Public Health Advisor/Women's Health Team Lead, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Johanne Morne, Director, New York State AIDS Institute Bisrat Abraham, M.D., Acting Assistant Commissioner, Bureau of HIV, New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene 10:45 - 11:45 Breakout Sessions: Session One
From Preparing for Death to Thriving in Life: 30 Years of Providing HIV/AIDS-related Legal Services Lisa R. Edwards, Esq., Staff Attorney with Legal Aid Society’s HIV/AIDS Representation Project (“H/ARP”), moderator. Mildred Pinott, Former Supervisor, LAS H/ARP, Kate Wagner-Goldstein, Senior Staff Attorney, Legal Action Center and Terry McGovern, Interim Chair and Professor of Population and Family Health at the Columbia University Medical Center and Founder and former Executive Director of the HIV Law Project. The Intersectional Nature of Youth Activism Today Tracy Harrison and Brianna Jones, Love Heals, and other speakers It Takes a Village for Linkage to Care Toya Cook, MBA, Program Coordinator; Maria Jaca, Outreach Supervisor; Jose Santos, Patient Navigator; Ashima Mahajan, MPH, Program Evaluator, Harlem United Community AIDS Center I Will Survive: Resiliency, Assertiveness and Self-Care in the Face of HIV Antionettea Etienne, Health Educator and Veronica Karp, Health Educator, Just for Us Program, Iris House Perspectives on PrEP and PEP for Women, NYS DOH AIDS Institute Marcia Kindlon, FNP, MSN, MPA, Director, Clinical Programs, NYSDOH AIDS Institute, Sandra Benjamin and Annie Sumberg Running on Fumes: A Guide to Guarding Against Compassion Fatigue and Promoting Self-Care for Those Working in the Field of HIV/AIDS Teresa Hurst, Ph.D., Anna Hickner, Psy.D., Erica Saccente, NP, Mt. Sinai Institute for Advanced Medicine, Morningside Clinic 12:00 - 1:00 Breakout Sessions: Session Two
Exposure to Trauma and Violence and Health Outcomes among people with HIV in New York City Maiko Yomogida, MA, Senior Staff Associate, and Angela A. Aidala, Ph.D., Research Scientist, Department of Sociomedical Sciences, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University and Kristecia Estem, MPH; Guadalupe Dominguez Plummer, MPH, CASAC; Amida Castagne, MPH, CHES; Graham Harriman, New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene Moving Forward: Mental Health for Latinas Denys Salas, MS, Assistant Director; Emma Medina, Coordinator of Women's Services; and Angela Sanchez, Case Manager Women's Services, Voces Latinas Taking Care of Yourself: Self Advocacy and HIV Resilience in 2017 Terri L. Wilder, MSW, Director of HIV/AIDS Education and Training and Naomi Harris, Program Coordinator, Mt. Sinai Institute for Advanced Medicine. Transwomen Living with HIV: Addressing an Unjust Burden and Working to Ensure Resilience Tiommi Jenae Luckett, Communications Coordinator and Krista Martel, Executive Director, The Well Project What About the Employment Needs of Women Living with HIV? Vanessa Johnson, JD, Director, Ribbon Consulting Group, National Training & Leadership Director, Positive Women's Network-USA, Board Member, National Working Positive Coalition; Mark Misrok, MS Ed, CRC, President, National Working Positive Coalition; April Watkins, MPA, Senior Director of Workforce Development, GMHC, Board Member, National Working Positive Coalition Women of Color co-infected with HIV and HCV: Findings from a National Study and Recommendations to Improve Health Jeffrey M. Birnbaum, MD, MPH, Executive Director, Health & Education Alternatives for Teens (HEAT), SUNY Downstate Medical Center and SPH Betsy Eastwood, PhD, CUNY Graduate School of Public Health & Health Policy 1:00 - 2:30 Luncheon Program (pre-registration required)
Championing the Leadership of Women: An Intergenerational Conversation Linda H. Scruggs and Vanessa Johnson, Ribbon Consulting Group, LLC, and other speakers Presentations honoring Esther M.Y. Lok, Linda H. Scruggs and Gina Quattrochi 2:45 - 3:45 Breakout Sessions: Session Three
AIDS Survivor Syndrome: The Challenges of Long Term Survival Krista Martel, Executive Director, The Well Project and Terri L. Wilder, MSW, Director of HIV/AIDS Education and Training, Mt. Sinai Institute for Advanced Medicine and others Championing the Leadership of Women: Growing Forward in HIV Advocacy Deborah Levine, Love Heals, Alexis R. Posey, FPWA, and Linda H. Scruggs, Ribbon Consulting. Moderator: Vanessa Johnson, Ribbon Consulting Love Your Life: A Campaign for Women of Color Ingrid Floyd, Executive Director, Iris House; Nathaly Rubio-Torio, Executive Director, Voces Latinas and Campaign Designer Duane Cramer, Duane Cramer Creative Promoting Health, Resiliency and Self Efficacy in both Peers and Patients: Qualitative Findings from a Supportive Peer Program Emma Kaywin, Program Manager – Development, Communications, Peer Program; Christopher Ferraris, LMSW, Program Manager – HIV Prevention Services, Research; Joseph Ohmer, Supportive Peer, IMt. Sinai Institute for Advanced Medicine 4:00 - 5:00 Networking Reception
HIV Service Organizations and other community based providers will provide information to attendees during a networking session at the end of the program day. |